Gochara: Transits that Impact the Individual and the World Recordings to buy

With a Tradition of Astrology Leeds Theosophical Society presents:

2024 Jyotish Conference Now available to buy

Fees. You can pay for the Full Conference of 3 days at £195 via Paypal.

Friday 9 August 

Freedom Cole: Cycles within Cycles

Juliana Swanson: Using Lunations to Forecast Events in Natal Astrology

 This is a pre-recorded Zoom webinar

Lunations occur when the Sun and Moon are conjoined in the same degree at the New Moon, or when they are exactly opposite each other at the Full Moon. Using lunations to forecast events for individuals is not a customary practice in Jyotisha. Rather, lunations are more of a tradition among the practitioners of Medini Jyotisha (Mundane Astrology). The New Moon has particular importance such as in the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada chart, and in monthly financial predictions as well. In my presentation I will demonstrate how to extend this technique to forecasting in Natal Astrology. 

Sonal Sachdeva: Rahu-Ketu Mid-Points  Part 1

 Sonal will discuss a predictive technique involving the nodes of the Moon using mid-points in the chart

Saturday 10 August

Sarbani Rath: Śani Gochara – A Few Pointers

This is a pre-recorded Zoom webinar.

Vedic Astrology considers the gochara of Saturn and Jupiter to be significant in its long-term impact. Saturn’s gochara impacts marriage, death, health, work etc. In this presentation, we are going to focus on Saturn’s transit with respect to our natal Moon and with respect to the Ārūḍha Lagna.

Live Q & A session with Sarbani Rath

Visti Larsen: Moon and Transits

An insightful presentation on the topic of Moon and Transits.

In this presentation, we will explore:

  • How the Moon influences the auspiciousness of transits and the specific events that unfold.
  • The nuanced dynamics of Saturn’s transits, and how they are subtly shaped by the accompanying transit of the Moon.
  • Can a worrisome event like Sade Sathi become positive due to the Moon’s accompanying transit, and more.

Sonal Sachdeva: Rahu-Ketu Mid-Points Part 2

Sunday 11 August

Plenary Session The Plenary covered 4 main topics: US Riots, Bangladesh, Japan Earthquake, and the US Election & Outcome

Paul Barker: Kota Chakra

The Kota Chakra has several applications, including how to predict the outcome of elections and victory or defeat in war. Essential to the analysis is the correct use of placement of transit time nakshatras and planets. We will examine this approach with examples.

Visti Larsen: Transit Moon and Daśā

A workshop on the topic of Moon and main-periods (Daśā) with handouts

In this presentation, we explore:

  • How do transits affect the behaviour of Daśā.
  • Can a transit change the behaviour of a main-period (Mahadaśā) or sub-period (Bhukti).
  • How to be specific about the results of Daśā and sub-periods in one’s life based on Transits.

In this presentation, we examine both the impact of transits in the Rāśi chart and Divisional charts (Varga) viz-a-viz the ongoing period or Daśā.

The Full Conference fee recordings is £195.00

Please note that payment will be made to Dr Paul Barker who is the President of Leeds Theosophical Society.

For  enquiries please contact Paul Barker>