2023 Conference Recordings now available to buy
Fees: You can pay for each day at £75 or the Full Conference of 3 days at £195 via Paypal.
Please note that payment will be made to Dr Paul Barker who is the President of Leeds Theosophical Society.
Day 1 Friday 20 October
9.00 – 11.00 Visti Larsen: The Moon Crests the Head(s) of Our Lord
11.30 – 13.00 Sarbani Rath: Bhāṁśa (D27)
The Moon loves the nakṣatra maṇḍala and travels through them covering 27 nakshatras. The nakshatra manḍala is a mandala of trees. Bhāṁśa is the Moon’s own division giving us food and water by which we get the strength to live. It operates at a subconscious level and is a very internal divisional chart. Through this varga, we will explore the kind of thoughts we have and the strengths the grahas possess.
14.00 -15.30 Sonal Sachdeva: Lifetimes of Saṃskāra Carried by Our Mind (Chandra)
15.45 – 17.00 Gordon Brennan: The Lunar Cycle and the Elements: Gardening by the Moon
Day 2 Saturday 21 October
9.15 – 11.00 Sarbani Rath Ārūḍha and the Moon
Ārūḍha lagna is the manifestation of the janma lagna and verily is its reflection. The Moon, in its resplendent glory of reflected light, is the karaka of the ārūḍha lagna. We will study this fundamental relationship in its various aspects including the placement of the Moon in the different bhāvas from the ārūḍha lagna.
11.30 – 13.00 Vijaya Subramanian: Discovering the Anatomy of the Mind through the Moon in the Horoscope
14.00 – 15.30 Sonal Sachdeva: Emotional Happiness and the Psyche
15.45 – 17.00 Plenary Session: Current topics of the day
Day 3 Sunday 22 October
9.00 – 17.00 Visti Larsen Full Day Workshop Chandra Kendra: The Seats of Samsara
The Full Conference fee recordings is £195.00